Injury Lawyer

When you get injured, it can be difficult to know what to do. An injury lawyer can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

First and foremost, it is important to see a medical professional about any injuries you have sustained. The doctors will document your injuries in your medical records.

See a Doctor

It is important to see a doctor immediately after an accident. Even if you don’t have a bloody wound or broken bones, there may be invisible injuries that can become severe over time.

You can visit the emergency room or an urgent care clinic to be examined by a medical professional, or you could go to your primary care physician (PCP). If the accident happened late at night or outside of regular clinic office hours, you should visit the ER so the doctor can examine your injuries and can provide immediate treatment.

When you visit a doctor, be sure to tell them everything that is wrong with you. This will help them determine whether the injuries are related to the accident and can be treated effectively. Also, make sure you follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment, including X-rays, MRIs, and physical therapy. It is important to document your injury and medical treatment because the documents will serve as evidence for your legal claim.

Contact Your Insurance Company

The at-fault party’s insurance company may contact you shortly after your accident to obtain a statement about how the incident occurred. It is important to decline to provide a statement until after you have consulted an attorney. Insurance companies are in business to make profits, and they often try to use what you say against your injury claim.

If you do provide a statement, make sure that the details are factual and accurate. The more accurate your statement, the better chance you have of being awarded full compensation for your injuries.

Also, do not miss your medical appointments or ignore the advice of doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and other health care providers. Failure to follow through with your medical treatment can cause permanent damage to your injuries and decrease the amount of compensation that you will be able to receive. Save receipts for prescriptions, medical equipment such as canes or walkers, food and travel expenses incurred when visiting your doctor.

Talk to an Attorney

In the aftermath of an accident it can be difficult to stay focused on your injuries. You may do things that are counterproductive to your recovery and that can hurt your case. For example, you might skip a doctor’s appointment or tell an insurance company representative that your pain is not related to the accident.

Insurance companies and the at-fault person’s attorneys can use your statements against you to reduce or deny your injury claim. Always let your lawyer handle any conversations with the at-fault people or their lawyers.

It’s also important to keep your attorney informed about how your injuries are impacting your life. For instance, your attorney can help you find a medical professional who is an expert in treating your specific type of injury and will work well with you. Your lawyer can also help you decide whether a settlement offer is reasonable and appropriate based on your losses. This includes calculating your future care needs, lost wages and pain and suffering damages.

Keep Records

Keeping detailed records can be critical to receiving a fair settlement from your insurance company. This includes accident reports, notes and photos from the scene, receipts for medications, assistive devices (like crutches), and travel expenses for doctor appointments.

Medical records are especially important, as the details gathered here will be relied on by insurance companies to determine whether or not your injury is truly work-related. Make sure to describe your injuries thoroughly and in detail and follow all doctors’ instructions, including scheduling regular appointments and showing up on time. Additionally, keep all your pay stubs in order to prove how much you earned prior to the injury. This will help you get the correct amount of workers’ compensation you deserve. Every case is different and will require varying levels of documentation, but in general, injured people are entitled to compensation for past and future medical treatment, lost income, physical and emotional pain and suffering, and other losses.

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